Photography Contest

Photography Contest
Start Date :
Jun 01, 2023
Last Date :
Jun 20, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare(MoHFW), Government of India in partnership with PMNCH will be organizing a co-branded event on June 20, 2023, focusing on health and ...

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare(MoHFW), Government of India in partnership with PMNCH will be organizing a co-branded event on June 20, 2023, focusing on health and well-being of adolescents and young people with the theme “Health of Youth; Wealth of Nation”. To keep the momentum high and going, the Ministry is glad to announce an online competition which will explore creative instinct of adolescents and youth between 10-24 years of age, and encourage them to portray their ideas on the 4 thematic areas- Mental Health, Nutrition, Violence and Injuries and Sexual Reproductive Health.

The submission must cover one of the topics below:
A. Mental health issues among adolescents and youth
B. Good Nutrition
C. Prevention of injuries and violence
D. Awareness on Reproductive and Sexual Health

The best entries received from all States/UTs will be reviewed by a National Committee constituted by the Adolescent Health Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in the identified categories selection.

Technical Parameters:

The participation is open for adolescents and youth, aged between 10-24 years and residing in India:
• Photo should convey the message around any one topic mentioned above and must not include selfies or groupies.
• Images should be of good quality, no larger than 2MB and must be in JPEG format
• You are required to provide a 1-line description in Hindi or English for the image submitted. Use Font type – Times New Roman and Font Size- 12 for writing the description. Images without a description and not adhering to the Font style will be disqualified.
• There must be no border(s), logo(s), copyright marks, identifying marks, or any other visible references and/or marks on the image.
• Basic editing, including colour enhancement, the use of filters, and cropping of the Photo is acceptable, provided any such editing does not affect the authenticity and/or genuineness of the Photo
• Advanced editing used to create illusions, deceptions and/or manipulations, and the adding and removing of significant elements within the frame is prohibited
• Photos that portray or otherwise include inappropriate and/or offensive content, including provocative nudity, violence, human rights and/or environmental violation, and/or any other contents deemed to be contrary to the law, religious, cultural & moral traditions and practices of India, are strictly prohibited and will be immediately discarded

• Best 5 entries would be given a surprise gift
• All entries would receive a E-certificate